voyager bestate/b. see oli nii ilus valge mois kauni roosiaiaga. seal sees saime nii palju erinevaid veine maitsta. ikka neid koige paremaid ja koige kallimaid. ja head nad toepoolest olid ka! jalutasime veel natuke selles kaunis aias ja ...
Damn those stupid idoitic annoying fucking black birds that fly around. Every single bird should be shot dead imo.... 2 mths ago, they bombed by bicycle handlebar. TODAY!! they BOMBED ME!!! BLARDY HELL!!!! At first I thought it was just ...
Damn those stupid idoitic annoying fucking black birds that fly around. Every single bird should be shot dead imo.... 2 mths ago, they bombed by bicycle handlebar. TODAY!! they BOMBED ME!!! BLARDY HELL!!!! At first I thought it was just ...